Archive for the ‘Vital Statistics’ Category


Vital Statistics: Bears

November 18, 2009

Giant Panda

Age Range: 14 – 20 years in the wild.

Height: 70 – 80 cm to the shoulders.

Length: 1.5m from nose to tail.

Weight: Adult Males 100 -150 kg. Adult Female 125 kg.

Family: Ursidae.

Vision: Good, especially at night. Limited colour vision and shades of grey.

Hearing: Excellent.

Smell: Excellent.

Critical Rating: 1600 – 2000 left in the wild. Very endangered.

Offspring: Normally 2 cubs are born but the mother chooses to raise only one.

Location: The mountains of Central and South-Western China

Speed: Unknown, but bears in captivity can run 50 kph.

Diet: Although they are capable carnivores, they have adapted to eat mainly bamboo, this makes up around 99% of their diet. They have also been known to eat fruit, eggs, fish and rodents.

Polar Bear

Age Range: Polar Bears normally live between 18 and 25 years old in the wild.

Height: 1.6m to the shoulders. Polar Bears can stand up to 3m tall.

Length: 1.8 – 3m from nose to tail.

Weight: Adult Males 350 – 700 kg. Adult Female 150 – 250 kg. Females can weigh twice as much when they are fully pregnant.

Family: Ursidae.

Vision: Good. Very Good underwater. Bears can see in colour.

Hearing: Very Good. At least twice as sensitive as a human and a larger frequency range.

Smell: Excellent.

Critical Rating: Very Threatened. 20,000 – 25,000 total.

Offspring: Normally twins. 2 – 3 cubs.

Location: Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Norway, Russia.

Speed: up to 40 kph.

Diet: Carnivore. Primarily seals, but also walrus, (beached) whales, birds, eggs, and kelp.

Brown Bear

Age Range: On average 20 to 25 years.

Height: 1.20m – 1.35m from the ground to shoulder top. Up to 3m standing on its hind legs.

Length: 2m – 2.5m from nose to tip of the tail.

Weight: Adult males 150 – 520kg. Adult female 120 – 350kg.

Family: Ursidae.

Vision: Good. Brown Bears can see in colour.

Hearing: Very Good. At least twice as sensitive as a human and a larger frequency range.

Smell: Excellent.

Critical Rating: +/- 200,000. Endangered but not critical.

Offspring: 2-4 cubs normally born in January. Mother gives birth every 3-5 years.

Location: Canada, United States, Scandinavia, Spain, France, Central Europe, Russia, Greece.

Speed: up to 56 kph.

Diet: Carnivore. Fruits, nuts, vegetation, insects (including the larvae and pupae), small rodents, carrion, honey comb. Occasionally they eat deer, moose, elk and other larger animals.

Black Bear

Age Range: On average 20 to 30 years if they die naturally.

Height: 75 cm – 1m from paws to shoulders. Up to 2.2m standing on its hind legs.

Length: 1.2m – 2.1m from nose to tail.

Weight: Adult males 80 – 275 kg. Adult female 40 – 160 kg.

Family: Ursidae.

Vision: Good. Black bears can see in colour.

Hearing: Very Good. At least twice as sensitive as a human and a larger frequency range.

Smell: Excellent.

Critical Rating: 600,000 (North America) +/- 60,000 (Asian) – Threatened.

Offspring: 2-3 cubs normally born in January. Mother gives birth every 2 years.

Location: North America, Asia, India, China, Russia, Japan.

Speed: up to 50 kph.

Diet: Carnivore.  Fruits, nuts, vegetation, insects (including the larvae and pupae), small rodents, carrion.